Wissenschaftliche Kontakte
GRAL - GReco Arabo Latino - Incontro di culture (Universität Padua, Universität di Pisa)
"Incontro di culture" is an International Centre dedicated to advanced study of the
transmission of texts from Greek into Arabic and Latin. It is located since 2006 in the
Philosophy Department of the Università di Pisa, Italy
(http://www.gral.unipi.it). The
Centre attracts senior and younger scholars from the Università degli Studi di Padova, the
Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes (Paris) and the Université Saint-Joseph, Beyrouth.
"Incontro di culture" pays special attention to top research training in the field of textual and
philosophical research on the Graeco-Arabic, Graeco-Syriac, Graeco-Latin and Arabic-Latin
translations. An annual meeting is organised, especially for PhD students from various
countries: the meeting is devoted each year to the transmission of a philosophical corpus, or a
work, from Greek into Syriac, Arabic and Latin. A research grant is given each year to a PhD
student from an Arabic-speaking country. The Pisa University Press series Greco, Arabo,
Latino. Le vie del sapere, created within the context of the Centre, includes editions
accompanied by translations and running commentaries, as well as monographs on the
various aspects of the Greek heritage in Syriac, Arabic and Latin.
ACADEMIA - Ein Verlag in der Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft
Waldseestraße 3-5, 76530 Baden-Baden
Ansprechpartner: Maik Sühr, Lektorat, Philosophie
Neue Reihe zur antiken Philosophie in Kaiserzeit und Spätantike:
“Philosophy in the Imperial Era till the End of Antiquity”, hg. von Cristina D'Ancona, Filip Karfik, Benedikt Strobel, Christian Tornau, Angela Ulacco
Willkommen sind Monographien, Sammelbände, Texte und Kommentare nicht nur zum Platonismus, sondern zur kaiserzeitlichen und spätantiken Philosophie in ihrer ganzen Breite.